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Double Edged Sword: AI Creativity


Technology, evolving with time, is present in every aspect of human life, emerging as a primary problem-solving tool. Among the 21st century advancements, artificial intelligence (AI) stands out as an important innovation for humanity. Despite its enduring promise, AI’s integration into our lives is a relatively recent development. The term “artificial intelligence” was coined in 1956 during a seminal meeting at Dartmouth College in Hampshire, England. Following that, artificial intelligence, which had previously received little attention until the 1990s, resurfaced prominently in 1997 when IBM’s “Deep Blue” computer defeated chess world champion Garry Kasparov. Since then, artificial intelligence has gained significant traction, becoming increasingly integrated into people’s daily lives over time.

Just one year ago, artificial intelligence chatbot applications took the world by storm, demonstrating its pervasive presence and impact on a global scale. Gone are the days when accessing advanced technology required sophisticated automobiles or expensive equipment; now, everything is just a click away. The undeniable convenience of this situation is evident, as even the most basic tasks, such as revising work, solving math problems, or harnessing the creativity of artificial intelligence, have become easier. Rather than waiting for inspiration to strike, individuals can now benefit from AI-driven solutions to streamline their daily activities.

Although everything artificial intelligence accomplishes is surprising, one of the most exciting aspects is its level of inventiveness. The idea that imagination and creativity, which are traditionally reserved for humans, may be effortlessly replicated by computers alarmed some while inspiring others with new possibilities. One of the primary domains where artificial intelligence leverages this capability is in the creation of AI-generated content.

Content generators employing AI rely on existing data from search engines to create new content. Upon entering a search query, AI tools utilize Natural Language Processing to generate a response based on the information available online. These AI substance generators can assist in coming up with blog posts, landing pages, social media posts, short-form content, and more. Essentially, AI generates fresh content around the selected topic by gathering information from the web. AI-generated substances can offer assistance in accelerating the composition of the writing process.

Unfortunately, the most disturbing issue for those who execute jobs requiring creativity was that the “original” products produced by artificial intelligence were not as original as they seemed. When attention is directed towards the creation phase of these products, it is obvious that artificial intelligence does not genuinely create something from scratch, like a human does. Instead, it compiles previously existent elements and assembles a collage adapted to the desired outcome. This concept extends not only to written content but also to the visual everything formed.

The fact that the content generated consists of information already available on the internet is one of the primary reasons why this creative capability is a double-edged sword. Although the internet is undeniably valuable, it has huge vulnerabilities due to the inability to filter the information found and control uploaded content. Humans, capable of both positive and cruel actions, leave traces of imperfection and cruelty in the content they create, including on the internet and directly affecting artificial intelligence.

In this context, it is increasingly considered a bad idea for artificial intelligence chatbots to convey all kinds of information to the user in the quickest manner. The average person does not possess endless knowledge about the world. For instance, instructions on how to manufacture explosives at home or how to hack personal information are not subjects that warrant praise. Just like the case of R. Xavier Langhome, who uploaded bomb-making videos to the internet and was arrested by the FBI for supporting terrorist organizations.

Nonetheless, we now have a tool that allows that grants access to such information, which is both untraceable and accessible: artificial intelligence. The reason why certain types of information are not taught to everyone in schools is to prevent events that may pose significant threats to society. Even though AI behaves similarly to humans, it is fundamentally a “servant” that helps people. Consequently, it lacks refusing requests or saying say “no.” In this regard, AI provides information to anyone who seeks it without separating it carefully from the vast amount of information pollution we have. Entrusting such authority to a device that is insufficient when thinking ahead comes with massive issues. The foremost concern is the promotion of criminal behavior, which is becoming more widespread and known via the internet.

In conclusion, although artificial intelligence represents progression towards making daily lives easier, individuals should acknowledge its vulnerabilities, as with any system, and precautions must be taken accordingly.

Works Cited

Hetler, A. (2023, September 21). Pros and cons of AI-generated content. WhatIs.

Conover, E. (2024, February 1). AI chatbots can be tricked into misbehaving. Can scientists stop it? Science News.

Press, T. A. (2022, July 9). Florida man gets 20 years for posting bomb-making video. CBS News. S. (2020, April 23).

The History of Artificial Intelligence - Science in the News. Science in the News.

What-is-Artificial-Intelligence-Its-Meaning-Applications-and-the-Future. (n.d.).

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